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The global garlic market is experiencing mixed fortunes, according to recent reports from around the world. In the Netherlands, demand for garlic remains stable, but prices are lagging behind expectations. Meanwhile, German importers report a good start to the season for fresh garlic from Egypt, and traders in Switzerland say that domestic garlic cultivation is on the rise. In Italy, however, producers are struggling to compete with cheaper Spanish garlic, and there are fears that foreign imports could increase next season. Spain is also experiencing slow sales, with stocks higher than last year due to stagnant demand in Europe.

In Egypt, garlic volumes are down by around 20% compared to last year, but there is solid demand for fresh garlic. In China, considerable quantities of refrigerated garlic from last season are still available on the market, leading to lower prices that are likely to continue to decline. South African garlic growers are facing a tough season due to high rainfall for the third consecutive year, resulting in post-harvest problems and a shortage of local class 1 garlic. In contrast, North America is experiencing a surplus of garlic supply, with much of it coming from Argentina and Peru, while China’s oversupply is having a significant impact on the world market.

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