Seeka Australia
Seeka has always been a company that’s done things differently. In fact our journey started in 1980 in the small rural township of Te Puke when a group of kiwifruit orchardists saw an opportunity to generate better returns from their kiwifruit.
Cameron Carter
P.O. Box 98
Tallygaroopna, Vic, 3634
ABN: 72602183611
Seeka has always been a company that’s done things differently. In fact our journey started in 1980 in the small rural township of Te Puke when a group of kiwifruit orchardists saw an opportunity to generate better returns from their kiwifruit.
By following their vision, Seeka has grown to become the largest producer of kiwifruit in New Zealand and Australia, and a major provider of supply chain services that’s delivers the very best produce to an ever-growing range of global consumers.
For more than 35 years, by selecting excellence Seeka has been helping more growers, deliver more produce to more markets.
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