2021-54: Plant Export Operations – Plant Exports Management System updates
This Industry Advice Notice (IAN) is to notify stakeholders of updates to the Plant Exports Management System (PEMS).
Summary of changes and key points
- PEMS will now automatically validate the ‘Accredited Farm Block Numbers’ and ‘Accredited Packhouse Numbers’ for cherry protocol markets.
- Vapour heat treatment (VHT) supervision and sensor calibrations for mangoes can now be recorded in PEMS. This functionality replaces the two manual forms, Vapour heat treatment sensor calibration record and Vapour heat treatment record, adding transparency and accuracy to VHT treatments.
- A video tutorial explaining how to complete the VHT supervision and sensor calibration record is available for Authorised Officers on LearnHub.
- AOs will have one month to familiarise themselves with the VHT process in PEMS. From 18 November 2021, all VHT supervision and sensor calibrations must be recorded in PEMS unless an exception applies.
The horticulture inspection record has also been updated to accommodate the vapour heat treatment process in PEMS, but these changes will only appear for the relevant RFPs.
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